GLS Bol plug-in: shipping convenience for Bol customers

The GLS Bol plug-in is a convenient way to link your webshop to Bol. Bol is not only the largest webshop in the Netherlands, but also the best-known marketplace to sell your items on, for example as an extension of your own website. So link your webshop quickly and easily with our GLS Bol plug-in and save not only time, but also problems around the shipping process. is not only the largest webshop in the Netherlands, but also the best-known marketplace to sell your items on, for example as an extension of your own website. So link your webshop quickly and easily with our plug-in and save not only time, but also frustration around the shipping process.
The benefits of a GLS Bol integration:
- Import your Bol orders quickly and automatically into the GLS shipping portal;
- Including Bol packing list and desired delivery date;
- For partial deliveries, the packing note provides insight and you always send the right items;
- In one overview all your orders ready to ship;
- As soon as the shipping label is printed, the track & trace appears in two important places, namely in the sales account and in the shipping confirmation to the recipient;
- With this GLS Bol plug-in you save a lot of time and therefore money.
Getting started with a GLS Bol plug-in
Then download the manual for the GLS Bol integration. It will guide you through installing the plug-in step-by-step.