GLS Shopify plug-in: shipping convenience for Shopify customers

The GLS Shopify plug-in is a convenient way to link your webshop to Shopify. Shopify is a complete e-commerce platform that lets you start, grow and manage an (online) business. Shopify brings all your commerce together on a single platform. Complemented by GLS's fast and reliable products/services, this is the key to success. For this reason, GLS has created a free GLS Shopify plug-in. With the GLS Shopify plug-in, you use one platform to sell your products anywhere and to anyone.
The benefits of a GLS Shopify integration:
- Import your Shopify orders quickly and automatically into the GLS shipping portal.
- Provide your customers with a track & trace e-mail on the status of the order;
- Offer a GLS Parcel Shop as a delivery option in your check-out.
Getting started with a GLS Shopify plug-in
Then download the manual for the GLS Shopify integration. It will guide you through installing the plug-in step-by-step.