Do you need a courier in Torun? With GLS you will send a package quickly and conveniently. We guarantee timely delivery in domestic and international traffic. We are distinguished by fast turnaround time and flexibility of delivery options.

The Szybka Paczka points - Toruń

If you need a cheap courier in Torun, go to any GLS Szybka Paczka outlet. To find the nearest facility, use the search engine available on our website. Just enter the postal code or street name, and the tool will display a list of addresses and opening hours. You can monitor a courier shipment sent in Torun online. The recipient of the package will also get access to the tracking code to verify its status in real-time.

If you want to use a courier service in Torun that provides fast delivery of parcels, GLS will be the right solution. Domestic parcels are delivered as early as the next business day. Internationally, delivery is after about 2-6 business days, depending on the country where the recipient is located. Before sending a parcel, we encourage you to read our terms and conditions - pay particular attention to the list of items excluded from the carriage. These are items that are prohibited from transportation.

Use the search engine available on our website to check where to send or receive courier shipments in Torun closest to you.

Szybka Paczka points map

See our other branches in the kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship:

Parcel shipping - Toruń

GLS makes ordering a courier in Torun easy. All you need to do is to visit any of the nearest Szybka Paczka points - these are facilities adapted for sending parcels. They have a shop-in-shop character, as they are located directly in stores and service facilities. Thanks to this, it is possible to use courier shipments in Toruń even late at night. The advantage of GLS Szybka Paczka points is their convenient location. These are places where you can not only send a parcel, but also pick it up.

There are about 30 Fast Parcel points in the Torun area, and more than 7,000 in the whole of Poland.

To use a courier in Toruń, prepare your package and deliver it to the GLS point of your choice. Special labels are available at the facility, which must be filled in legibly. We are a courier company operating in Torun handling domestic and international shipments, ensuring maximum safety during transport. We would like to remind you that parcels sent in GLS must comply with the regulations. The parcel must not be heavier than 31.5 kg, with a maximum length of 200 cm. At the same time, the sum of the longest side and circumference can not exceed a total of 3 meters.

the courier is delivering a parcel

Global parcels

Learn how to send a parcel ouside the Europe

girl is looking on the european map

Internacional parcels

Learn how to send parcel to European countries