Reliable parcel deliveries

Reliable parcel delivery made within given standard time periods is the strong point of GLS Group.
National parcels are usually delivered on the next business day.
Within Europe, the standard time period to neighboring countries reaches 24 to 48 hours in general, to more distant counties it is from 72 to 120 hours. Parcel transport can be combined with additional services which means that GLS can also fulfil specific delivery requirements.

National parcel

BusinessParcel delivery by GLS courier in the city

Basic product for national parcel deliveries.

BusinessSmallParcel delivered by GLS female courier in the street

National deliveries of small and sensitive goods.

Flexdelivery Service GLS Slovakia by family reading

The service is available for Slovakia and international parcel delivery among 22 European countries without additional costs.
Parcel deliveries to homes is simpler and the customers´s satisfaction grows. This service completes the character of BusinessParcel and BusinessSmallParcel services.

International parcel

EuroBusinessParcel delivering by GLS van in the nature

Basic product in deliveries throughout Europe.

EuroBusinessSmallParcel delivering by GLS van on the road

Deliveries of mostly small and sensitive goods throughout Europe.

Family listening to the music

Parcel and express services of GLS can be combined with other services of added value and thus fulfil specific needs.

Little girl is having fun in front of house

GLS offers its prompt and guaranteed express delivery in most regions of Slovakia and Hungary in the morning of next day.