As an internationally operating parcel service provider GLS Group stands for fair competition, integrity and responsibility.

two sisters holding in front of a mirror

The Code of Business Standards forms the basis of all business activities of GLS Group. Furthermore it shows the obligation of GLS Group towards its stakeholders.

middle aged man holding a yellow hard hat

GLS expects its suppliers to respect the standards laid out in this Supplier Code of Conduct, implement them using appropriate measures and adhere to them in their business activities.

young man and woman using a tablet

General Logistics Systems B.V. and its affiliates (GLS) are subsidiaries of International Distribution Services plc (IDS).
As a UK company, IDS is subject to the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

Read IDS’ recent Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2023 / 2024 here:

child with light bulb

The conservation of resources and the reduction of emissions are of central importance at GLS. Together with its employees, customers and suppliers, GLS wants to become one of the leading providers of sustainable parcel services.



GLS Group has introduced an informant/ombudsman system to enable employees, business partners and third parties to report criminal acts and similar serious offences on a confidential basis.

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