GLS Parcel Locker - a modern and trendy way of delivery

The right place for your parcels

GLS Parcel Locker is used to quickly and conveniently pick up the parcel being delivered or to hand over the parcel to GLS for transportation.
It is a convenient and time-efficient solution and is available to you around the clock - 24/7.
The exception are those Parcel Lockers that are located in shopping malls.
They are located in heavily trafficked locations.

A map with GLS collecting points can be found here:

Send or pick up your parcel whenever it's convenient for you.

Customer next to GLS Parcel Locker with parcel

Upon delivery of the parcel to the GLS Parcel Locker, the recipient will receive an e-mail notification and an SMS or Viber message about the delivery, containing the address of the specific GLS Parcel Locker, the parcel number and, if necessary, the specific code needed to pick up the parcel.

GLS Slovakia currently has two types of Parcel Lockers: display and Bluetooth.

Dense network throughout the Slovak Republic

The network of dispensing points is constantly expanding.

Pick up and dispatch is completely self-directed

In case of need and technical support we are at your disposal.

Convenient and fast parcel dispatch without waiting

Cheap, online and fast with our GLS portal .

Non-stop available 24/7

Pickup and dispatch 24 hours a day.

Sharing your parcel

Your parcel can also be picked up by a friend or loved one.

How to pick up a parcel from GLS Parcel Locker

1. In the case of cash on delivery parcels delivered to a GLS Parcel Locker with a display, the amount of the cash on delivery can be paid by credit card via the built-in POS terminal in the GLS Parcel Locker itself or online via the GLS App. To collect parcels from GLS Display Parcel Lockers, you need to enter a six-digit code on the display of the Parcel Locker.

2. For COD parcels delivered to a GLS Parcel Locker with Bluetooth (Parcel Locker without display), the COD amount can be paid online via the GLS App. To pick up parcels from GLS Parcel Lockers with bluetooth (without display), the GLS App is required with location services enabled, bluetooth enabled and internet access.

REGISTRATION into GLS App is easy and based on the telephone number.


The door to the parcel drop box at the Parcel Locker will only open after the COD payment has been made. After collection, the addressee will receive an e-mail confirmation of successful receipt of the parcel and payment of the COD amount.

The recipient can collect the parcel from GLS Parcel Locker within 4 calendar days.


1. I download the GLS App.
2. I order shipping via -
3. I open the GLS App at the Parcel Locker - the sent parcels box
4. I click on the parcel I want to send and click on the parcel I want to send
5. Then I click on the insert parcel box and choose the size of the box
6. The first available box according to the selected size will open
7. I insert the parcel and confirm its insertion
The parcel is sent!

1. I receive an SMS or push notification on the basis of which I will pick up the parcel in GLS Parcel Locker

2. I can see my delivered and shipped parcels

3. I click on deliveries and I see the status of my parcel

4. I click on the PICK UP PARCEL button

5. I have enabled location services, turned on BT - bluetooth and access to the Internet

6. I OPEN THE BOX and pick up the parcel

7. In the GLS App I will confirm successful parcel pick-up

And the PARCEL is mine!

Customer next to GLS Parcel Locker

To quickly and easily find out the price for sending your parcel with GLS, use our price calculator.

Do you have any other questions about picking up a parcel from the GLS Parcel Locker?
Do you have any other questions about picking up a parcel from the GLS Parcel Locker?
Feel free to contact our colleagues from the department at